Instruments receive all necessary repairs and regulation to return them to top playing condition. They may show signs of age or wear on the casework, but nothing remains that would compromise the harpsichord's musical qualities, mechanical reliability or structural integrity.
French harpsichord by Robert L. Wilson, 1977
French double-manual harpsichord by Robert L. Wilson, made in Lambertville, New Jersey, USA. 2x8, 1x4, buff stop, shove coupler. Range FF-f’’’, transposition A415-440. Ebony naturals with white-topped ebony sharps.* White plastic jacks. Trestle stand with turned legs. Wooden soundboard rose and elaborate soundboard painting. Colour scheme is white lid and case interior, aquamarine exterior with gold banding. A padded transport cover and custom dolly are provided to assist with moving the instrument.
The instrument is currently at the owner's house in St. Catharines, Ontario. Interested buyers will be connected directly with the owner to discuss purchase.
*White-topped keys have been unofficially assessed as material other than ivory. An official assessment may be sought upon request should the instrument be sold outside of Canada.